Substrates: not just for decoration

Reptile Super Show Las Vegas

Jesse Smets
Exo Terra Digital Manager

Ball pythons, Boa Constrictors,  Corn Snakes and King Snakes—take your pick and learn something interesting about the world of snakes. Many of these non-venomous snakes end up as beloved family pets, and it is easy to see why. They are beautiful, gentle, and charming creatures who can grow to be affectionate and enjoy your attention.

At the reptile expo & show in Los Angeles, guests will get the chance to see a variety of snakes in an up-close-and-personal way. Professional handlers will be available to answer questions about different types of snakes and how they should be kept as pets.

Reptile Super Show Las Vegas

Events like the Reptile Super Show don’t come around that often. In fact, this show only takes place three times in 2023, and each time the event is held in a different city in Southern California. While we would love to open our doors to every last attendee who wanted to experience a walk on the wild side, we simply don’t have the space. Therefore, tickets are limited in numbers for this two-day event. Make sure you don’t miss your chance by reserving your tickets online as soon as possible. Check out the website for more information about the event, the reptiles that we’ll be having, and directions.

Jesse Smets
Exo Terra Digital Manager
Reptile Super Show Las Vegas
Reptile Super Show Las Vegas

Substrates Topics

Impaction, a secondary condition

Impaction, a secondary condition

Gastrointestinal impaction in reptiles and amphibians is considered a secondary condition: it typically arises as a consequence of other underlying issues or conditions. The primary causes that lead to gastrointestinal impaction are usually related to the animal's environment (for example temperature and humidity), diet, or overall health.

Stone Desert

Stone Desert

The Exo Terra Stone Desert mimics the natural soil found in arid regions, like deserts or savannahs. Most desert soils are not purely sand-based but rather a combination of sand, decomposed granite and clay resulting in interesting and sometimes colorful rock formations. Exo Terra’s Stone Desert allows you to create your own desert or savannah landscape, including cool-humid burrows as well as warmer elevated basking areas. 

Subterranean Sanctuaries

Subterranean Sanctuaries

Fossils trace the origins of these subterranean dwellings back to the age of dinosaurs, with creatures carving out their own spaces some 260 million years ago. This ancient practice of burrowing has been a survival strategy adopted by numerous species throughout the millennia.

Why choose a natural substrate?

Why choose a natural substrate?

A natural substrate can harbor beneficial microorganisms that contribute to the breakdown of organic matter, recycling nutrients, and supporting a healthy ecosystem. These microorganisms create a balanced environment that mimics natural ecosystems.  In a natural substrate, nitrifying bacteria can convert ammonia (produced from animal waste) into less harmful substances like nitrate. This helps maintain a healthier environment by reducing harmful ammonia levels. Some substrates can act as pH buffers, helping to maintain a stable and suitable pH level for the terrarium's inhabitants. As a consequence, natural substrates are an essential component of any bioactive terrarium.

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